Displays the image in the current device.
rotate = 0,
draw_grid = FALSE,
ignore_alpha = FALSE,
asp = 1,
new_page = TRUE,
return_grob = FALSE,
gp = grid::gpar()
Image array or filename of an image to be plotted.
Default 0. Rotates the output. Possible values: 0, 90, 180, 270.
Default FALSE
, this will draw a grid in the background to help
disambiguate the actual image from the device (helpful if the image background is the same as the
device's background).
Default FALSE
. Whether to ignoe the alpha channel when plotting.
Default 1
. Aspect ratio of the pixels in the plot. For example, an aspect ratio of 4/3
slightly widen the image.
Default TRUE
. Whether to call grid::grid.newpage()
before plotting the image.
Default FALSE
. Whether to return the grob object.
A grid::gpar()
object to include for the grid viewport displaying the image.
#Plot the dragon array
#Make pixels twice as wide as tall
plot_image(dragon, asp = 2)
#Plot non-square images
#Make pixels twice as tall as wide
plot_image(dragon[1:100,,], asp = 1/2)