Takes an RGB array/filename and adds an image overlay.
image_overlay = NULL,
rescale_original = FALSE,
alpha = NULL,
filename = NULL,
preview = FALSE
Image filename or 3-layer RGB array.
Default NULL
. Either a string indicating the location of a png image to overlay
over the image (transparency included), or a 4-layer RGBA array. This image will be resized to the
dimension of the image if it does not match exactly.
Default FALSE
, function will resize the original image to match
the overlay.
Default NULL
, using overlay's alpha channel. Otherwise, this sets the alpha transparency
by multiplying the existing alpha channel by this value (between 0 and 1).
Default NULL
. File to save the image to. If NULL
and preview = FALSE
returns an RGB array.
Default FALSE
, it will display the image in addition
to returning it.
3-layer RGB array of the processed image.
#Plot the dragon
#Add an overlay of a red semi-transparent circle:
circlemat = generate_2d_disk(min(dim(dragon)[1:2]))
circlemat = circlemat/max(circlemat)
#Create RGBA image, with a transparency of 0.5
rgba_array = array(1, dim=c(nrow(circlemat),ncol(circlemat),4))
rgba_array[,,1] = circlemat
rgba_array[,,2] = 0
rgba_array[,,3] = 0
dragon_clipped = dragon
dragon_clipped[dragon_clipped > 1] = 1
render_image_overlay(dragon_clipped, image_overlay = rgba_array,
alpha=0.5, preview = TRUE)